Blogger Widgets

Thursday 7 March 2013


Dah lame rase yer x update blog nie... semenjak.. 2 menjak masuk mrsm nie.. jadi xde mase nk online...
now im 18 years old.. hehehe.. im getting old.. getting mature ~~ sikit lah...  bile makin dewase nie.. perasaan ni mcm rase ade... kadang2 rase mrah gak kat tuhan tpi cepat2 mengucap... biase lah bile dah besar mcm2 keinginan yg kite nk... itu lah.. ini lah... kalo x dpt.. mrajok.. dah terase... aduh.. kadang2 rase baek jadi org yg xde perasaan je.. x yah nk benci, suke, mnyampah kat org len... hidop ni buat dose je,..

1st bile dah besar ni setiap org nk ade pkwe kn? common lah tu.. lagi2 bile roomate kat asrama dah ade pkwe.. hensem lah tu... hurmm... JELES taw...--- nk wat camne kn.. kite nie xde lah lawa, pandai sangat... Maybe ade hikmah kot... hurmm... SAbar je lah... KALO DAH JODOH X KEMANE... :)

Dah masook zaman yg baru nie... niat nie nk ubah perwatakan nie... i want to be more talkative... more friendly... more smiling.. but how? hehe.. i gonna try to be myself... just be yourself.... do not afraid to keep trying.. it does not means when you had fallen on ground.. you can't stand off with the other obstacle anymore..  Allah always knows what the best for us.. Do not cry or blame the past... ACTUALLY it teach us to be more strong in the future... BELIEVE IT...